Ctl srl products
Our main customers are manufacturers of steel and plastic drums, but also those working with reconditioned barrels.
Upon customer request we can supply plastic and steel safety seals and various accessories, like galvanized handles with U-bolt in rough or galvanized steel.
Galvanized rings for barrels and drums, both UN homologated and non-homologated, with a diameter from 160 mm to 600 mm for both solids and liquids.

Homologated clamping rings for barrels

Clamping rings for
light barrels/non-homologated

Employed lever type closing rings

Plastic seals

Steel seals

Packaging accessories

Anelli per chiusura fusti omologati
Anelli per chiusura fusti
leggeri/non omologati

Chiusure a leva utilizzate
Sigilli in plastica

Sigilli in ferro
Accessori per imballaggi

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